Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dear Governor Paterson

I just sent the following email to Governor Paterson:
I urge you not to redefine marriage. The laws of every state also forbid siblings from marrying — why should this be? If a brother and sister claimed to be in love, would it be a violation of their civil rights to deny their marriage? Of course not. Scanty and dubious evidence that homosexuals are "born that way" should not be allowed to turn sexual preference into a civil rights issue.

I am a pastor in Dutchess County. If marriage is defined in New York State to be between any two persons regardless of gender, I regret that my conscience will not allow me to solemnize marriages in New York any longer. I will instead perform a purely religious ceremony in which a man and a woman pledge themselves to each other before God; whether or not they seek the legal status du jour for their union will be a separate matter for them to decide.
There is certainly more that could be said on this issue; I kept my remarks brief in the hope that the governor might take the time to read them.

The bottom line, I suppose, is this: If we are being told that religion has no business defining marriage for the state, then the state has no business being involved in the weddings of my church.


Here I Stand said...

I like it John. Well said and good points.

Anonymous said...

Very intelligent and concise. Honest too. This truly is not a civil rights issue. It is a redefinition of the legal institution. I have been thinking about the subject and realized that this is not the only time we have redefined marriage in recent history. The same happened when no-default marriage came to being as well. The fact of the matter is: no matter how the law defines marriage, people of the Word know what God's definition of marriage is, what he expects of us and how to correctly serve him in our families.